Configuration Files Advanced Usages

Manual Pipelines

While Foremast has great support for many Spinnaker deployment features, it is not without flaws. Most noteably, Foremast struggles in a few areas:

  1. Limited support outside of AWS based pipelines
  2. Keeping up with new features released in Spinnaker
  3. Pipelines, Deployment Flows, and Structure can be seen as opinionated at times

While the Foremast’s templating engine built around Jinja2 is rather extensible, there is a bit of boilerplate code that needs to be written to support custom pipelines. This leads to many Foremast users not being able to Foremast to support new and/or more complex requirements not defined within Foremast just yet.

Regardless, we are still left with a need for a solution to manually creating pipelines via the Spinnaker UI. As a result, we have support in Foremast to allow users to specify “manual” pipeline type.

Manual pipelines allow users to store Spinnaker Pipeline JSON in a RUNWAY_DIR and allow Foremast to create/manage Spinnaker Pipelines using native Spinnaker Pipeline JSON. In addition, we enable the ability to store the JSON body as a Jinja2 Template (json.j2), allowing users to pass custom variables defined in Foremast configuration files to override common fields in Spinnaker Pipeline JSON.

While not ideal, this helps create support for things otherwise not currently supported in Foremast such as Kubernetes, AWS ECS, Google Cloud Functions, etc. More importantly it helps solve some of the issues noted above:

  1. Spinnaker JSON + Foremast Templating = PROFIT
  2. Create via Spinnaker UI, store the raw Spinnaker Pipeline JSON, Foremast does the heavy lifting of management
  3. Unopinonated and Foremast only manages creation of pipelines (only acts as a template engine if specified)

To enable manual pipelines, a few top level “pipeline” keys are needed.

Cluster Scaling Policies

Foremast Scaling Policies have two implementations:

  1. A Foremast Managed Implementation (v1) - scaling_policy
  2. A Custom Spinnaker Implementation (v2) - custom_scaling_policies

The intentions behind the scaling policy v1 implementation is that users of Foremast could simplify the complexities of scaling policies to end users. As a result, users could only specify their scale_up and scale_down fields.

With many recent enhancements and features in Spinnaker’s API, we realized that some advanced users would prefer a more advanced implementation enabling teams to specify things like custom scaling policies leveraging custom metrics in their respective cloud provider. In addition, some teams have complex scaling policies that involve multiple steps. Finally, we wanted an unopinionated implementation that is true to the Spinnaker experience. As a result, the scaling policy v2 implementation was created.

In order to maintain support for both simple scaling policies, as well as advanced custom scaling policies, we have broken the implementation into two top level keys.


When leveraging scaling policies in Foremast only one of the two implementations can be used.

If both scaling_policy and custom_scaling_policies, behavior will default to v1 scaling_policy for backwards compatibility.

Scheduled Actions

Scheduled Actions are useful for scaling clusters on time based events such as provisioning shadow capacity, preparing for large large spikes (such as email campaigns, promotions, holidays/sales, etc) and also deprovisioning (post spike). These operations work based on simple CRON expressions, making them easy to implement.


Scheduled Actions persist between clusters as they are done at the service level. As a result, ensure you delete scheduled actions manually via the Spinnaker UI if you remove them from Foremast configuration files.

Foremast Provider Tags

Foremast has the ability to perform a lot of important infrastructure actions, but Foremast is currently not stateful. This can cause issues with certain provider APIs that require some state (such as AWS S3 PutBucketNotification). In addition, some users may wish to restrict Foremast from making changes on specific resources. To address this, Foremast can leverage Tags/Labels to restrict some operations.

GCP Service Account IAM Policies